Wedding Anxiety – Nightmares & Dreams
Hello peeps,
I’m back after a little break, a working break I should say, exhibiting and speaking at the BRIDE show Dubai. I’ve had a lot to catch up on since, so forgive me for my delayed post.
Today, I want to talk about wedding anxiety, dreams and nightmares to be precise. It’s an extremely common occurrence, and if you are having them, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I had many and it freaked me out. I kept questioning myself, I’m usually a very organised person, used to dealing with high levels of pressure in my line of work, but for some reason planning my wedding was playing havoc with my sub conscience.
Having a Facebook ‘friend’ who made me feel silly for having the odd public bout of “ahhhh I can’t do this” did not help either. I really don’t think I was that bad either, I probably moaned a maximum of three times during the whole process. She was planning her wedding at the time too and often spoke about how ‘Zen’ she was with it all…. good for her, kudos, but our circumstances were different, very different.
I admired her attitude and calmness, but I also resented being made to feel like a ‘nutter’ because I admitted to feeling a little out of depth at times. It all worked out amazingly well though and the thought of marrying my husband always brought be back to reality, the day was wonderful and I was super proud of myself as I sat back and took it all in.
I’ve recently commissioned a journalist friend of mine, who had similar experiences to write a piece for and I urge you all to read it here. There are some brilliant tips on calming those nerves, both from her and some of my wedding planner contacts.
Again, it’s perfectly normal to feel anxiety over your wedding day, dreams happen, but remember, they are only dreams………! I hope the article helps.
Back on Thursday
Ciao for now…..
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