The pictures are here! Pre-wedding/Eng photoshoot (Goldfish Photography and video)

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8 Responses

  1. stefani says:

    Hi!!! Just come here from wedding bee! I I love the design of your blog with the sidebar on the left and your posts!! keep posting!!! πŸ™‚
    I am also a bee, and I have just began a new blog! I will love to know your thought about it!! Just post some pictures of my wedding day πŸ™‚

  2. Maria says:

    Hi there! How exciting to read a great blog! I’m a wedding photographer based in Dubai and new to the market, but love to read about your story and your choices! Keep it up / xoxo Maria

  3. evelina says:

    Hi! I read that you bought your engagement ring from CARA jewellers in Dubai πŸ™‚
    Do you recommend it?
    How many Ct’s is it on your diamonds? Is it expensive?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Evelina.

      Thanks for visiting my blog πŸ™‚ I do recommend CARA’s for wedding/eng rings, they are really busy, but they came highly suggested to me. They were easy to deal with, quick and also reasonable in price for my fiance’s wedding ring. I got my wedding ring from GLAMOUR jewellers, just around the corner from CARA’s, but my fiance got my engagement ring from London, at a very special location and it was not cheap, but he got a good deal with his contacts! Thanks and good luck x

  1. March 21, 2013

    […] To read more about our engagement session experience with Goldfish, click here: […]

  2. June 29, 2013

    […] here are a few pictures taken by Goldfish Photography (Goldfish took our engagement shots and will be our official photographers in November). I’m only posting a few, as […]

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