Finding the Right Wedding Celebrant in Dubai

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20 Responses

  1. Rain says:

    Hi could you tell me who you came up with? I’ve been looking for one for a small ceremony this month and have hit a dead end. Thanks!

  2. Karen Wales-Deere says:

    Hello Rio,
    A friend of our is planning to get married here in dubai too. I am going to help him in which ever way I can. I saw you mentioned that you have 4 celebrants, can you share their contact with me? In the mean time, I’ll continue to look for some.
    Thanks very much and wish you all the best in your coming nuptials…


  3. Tyson says:

    I would love it if you could provide me with the celebrants you interviewed as well. My email is . Thanks!

  4. Andy says:

    Dear Rio!
    Just read the posts above and we are also in the same shoes, looking for marriage celebrant for our wedding in June. Can you please help me in this matter? Thank you!

  5. Please email details of your Celebrants. Have spoken to a local Reverand in Dubai, but so far he has changed his dates 3 times for various reasons, and I cant seem to get him to confirm, which is causing me all sort of other problems, as I am trying to arrange a private sea wings flight for after the ceremony. We are already married, we would just like to renew our vows. Please please help. Its only 55 days away. Thanks. My email is.

  6. Caroline says:

    Hi, I am looking for a Wedding Celebrant too and those I have contacted are already booked up! My wedding is in February so any info you have would be gratefully received! Thank you….

  7. SFS says:

    Hi there – would you be able to send me the list of celebrants as well? I am looking to get married in November. Really appreciate all the help! thanks so much.

  8. Fiona barry says:

    Hi Rio!
    Can you send the celebrant contacts to my email please?
    Fionaredshoes at
    Many thanks!

  9. Dave says:

    Hi Rio,

    My finance and I are also having a blessing ceremony next yr in Dubai.

    Could you please send me the celebrant details to

    Thanks a lot:-)

  10. Natalie Shepherd says:

    Hi Rio, would appreciate is so much if you could share details of the wedding celebrants you are aware of in Dubai, we are getting married next year. Thanks for the good advice.

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