Changing Your Sir Name After Marriage – My Choice & Advice For The Newly Wedded Mrs. in Dubai
Hello lovelies
I am back today with a post on changing my sir name.
Now, back in the day it used to be a standard procedure that newly wedded brides would change their sir name to that of their husbands. This still common practice, however more and more brides are opting to keep their last name, use a double barreled name or a more controversial option, is for the man to change his last name to that of his wife.
For me personally, I would say I am a ‘modern traditionalist’, whilst I embrace traditions, I also have no issue in adding a little modern twist. My wedding was testament to that. When it came to my sir name, well, I am simply too attached to lose it completely, the ‘Downie’ name has a lot of history and meaning to me, of which I will not go into detail on here.
Upon further discussion with my husband (who by the way is so relaxed about it, it’s scary) we agreed that I shall have a double barreled sir name ‘Downie-Hurst’. That way, I get to keep my sir name that I have become accustomed to for over 32 years, but I also acknowledge and respect the sir name of my lovely man. Also, when it comes to creating a little clan of our own, I would like us to all have a name in common ‘Hurst’.
So, there you go, as displeasing as it may be to the hard lined traditionalist, this is my choice, now, if you are a British expat like myself, just married and wish to change your sir name, what is the procedure? I will be flying back to the UK shortly to complete all the paper work and to renew my passport, funny, but it just so happens, that changing my sir name coincided with my passport having ZERO pages left in them for my new trade license visa, so I am killing two birds with one stone and will go to the UK to change my name and get a new passport.
I will also be visiting the UK wedding fair for some inspiration and networking….It can be a confusing affair, all this paper work and name changing, so, below are some tips when it comes to changing your passport if you are a newly wedding British Mrs. in Dubai:

Above: Confused on where to start when you have to change your sir name after marriage in Dubai? See below my advice.
If you are flying back to the UK:
- Call up the passport office and ensure you book an appointment first, usually you can get an appointment easily, but sometimes there is a 3 week waiting list (Contact number: +0044 300 222 0000). I made my appointment at the Victoria passport office in London for a Jumbo Adult 48-page passport (premium/1 day service) and it will cost me £137.
- Complete a new passport form (you can get these from any UK post office)
- Have two passport sized photos taken – Ensure they match passport photo requirements.
- Bring your marriage certificate (make a copy for yourself always too)
- Bring your old passport
- Upon receiving your new passport, ask for your old passport back, you will need this when travelling back to the UAE.
- Lastly, don’t solely rely on my information and check: for further details and requirements.
If you are applying for your passport via post/DHL from Dubai:
- First, visit: // for full info, costs, details and online forms. Sign using your NEW signature.
- Send two passport sized photos taken – Ensure they match passport photo requirements.
- Send your marriage certificate, and current passport (make a copy for your reference and safe keeping too) – Ensure you ask for your old passport back.
- The process can take up to 6 weeks or more if mistakes are made, so be vigilant when completing all details.
Well at least I can excuse the cost of my air fare on doing something productive, changing my name, getting a new passport and networking at the wedding fair.
What have you decided to do with regards to your last name? Are you a traditionalist, will you be going double barreled or are you one of the few who chose not to change your last name? Leave your comments below.
Back next week.
Ciao for now
Rio xx
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